Focus Group
We started off with a focus group to test the concept of our video. We showed an extract from the film 'Balls of Fury' to a small focus group and asked them a series of questions.
We did this to try and show our target audience something similar to our own ideas for our video. We played them a clip showing the main character on stage playing table tennis in short shorts and white socks. This was essentially the look we were aiming towards with our concept. The target audience selected for our music video was young, white males. This is what we chose for our focus group and from this we learnt that our concept could be very funny and that it had a lot of potential to turn out the way we had hoped. It was defiantly important to test our concept in pre- production because it allows us to see whether our concept has any potential before we actually begin to make it. Due to the results being very positive towards our concept we were able to continue with what we had planned. Although if this had not worked so well, the focus group would allow us to gain some ideas from our target audience so we could cater more to their likes.
Rough Cut
We showed a rough cut of our music video and of our digipack to the rest of the class to allow us to see if we were still on track with our original concept. The results of this rough cut showed us that we were largely on track with our concepts, however we were told about a few adjustments.
This feedback was useful to us as it notified us about some small mistakes which we had made but were unaware of. For example we were told that some of the drumming was out of sync, so after we were then able to correct the mistake. The feedback also gave us an insight as to whether our video would be more suited to ambient or focussed viewing. We could also see if the audience could get the preferred redaing of the text or if they were getting the aberrant reading. The results showed us that they were getting the preferred reading which was very useful information as it meant that we did not need to alter our video so they could get the preferred reading.
The digipack also got very positive feedback. The class were able to guess the genre of the band very quickly and said that it was a very good eye catching product. This for us was essential because it showed us that it was not just us that thought that it is suitable for the genre.
The magazine advertisement was also shown and the feedback was very similar to that of the digipack. We learnt that the audience were easily capable of capturing the information shown in a small period of time because the text was big and clear enough. Also we learnt that the text was direct enough and there was no unnecessary text to divert attention away from the important information.
Final Survey
For the final survey we used a website called Survey Monkey to send out a questionairre via email. This questionairre contained questions about are final products and the results tell us whether the audience can still see the preferred reading and most of all, whether they enjoy the video. Overall the feedback we got was good.
The questionairres sent back tell us that the video was enjoyable and is open to repeatability which is very important as it could potentially be shown across music channels. People also said that the video was funny which is a very positive comment as that is exactly what we wanted the video to be from the beginning.
We started off with a focus group to test the concept of our video. We showed an extract from the film 'Balls of Fury' to a small focus group and asked them a series of questions.

Rough Cut
We showed a rough cut of our music video and of our digipack to the rest of the class to allow us to see if we were still on track with our original concept. The results of this rough cut showed us that we were largely on track with our concepts, however we were told about a few adjustments.

This feedback was useful to us as it notified us about some small mistakes which we had made but were unaware of. For example we were told that some of the drumming was out of sync, so after we were then able to correct the mistake. The feedback also gave us an insight as to whether our video would be more suited to ambient or focussed viewing. We could also see if the audience could get the preferred redaing of the text or if they were getting the aberrant reading. The results showed us that they were getting the preferred reading which was very useful information as it meant that we did not need to alter our video so they could get the preferred reading.
The digipack also got very positive feedback. The class were able to guess the genre of the band very quickly and said that it was a very good eye catching product. This for us was essential because it showed us that it was not just us that thought that it is suitable for the genre.

Final Survey
For the final survey we used a website called Survey Monkey to send out a questionairre via email. This questionairre contained questions about are final products and the results tell us whether the audience can still see the preferred reading and most of all, whether they enjoy the video. Overall the feedback we got was good.

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