The genre of this band and the album is evident through a number of conventions of punk rock. One of these conventions is showing the artists themselves on the album cover and also in the state these artists are in. They appear to be heavily intoxicated which is largely linked to the punk rock genre.
The visual techniques of this album cover help convey different meanings which can be interpreted differently depending on whom is looking at it. The rule of thirds is used on this album cover to place the artist’s faces at the start of the dominant reading path. By doing this it focuses the viewers attention to the artists straight away which shows the album will be largely about them. The lighting used creates a large contrast between black and white, which makes the artists seem pale skinned and their hair very dark. This creates a gothic look of pale skin, long black hair and very red lips. From looking at the artist on the left hand side it is clear that these men are intoxicated in some way. The idea of rebellion is used throughout this album cover with the use of iconography; starting with the way the artists look. Tattoos on both of the artists are on show, one of these being a skull and cross bone which connotes rebellion. The artist on the right, Pete Doherty, is pictured with a cigarette in his hand which also ties in with the rebellious look. The way the artists are dressed makes them seem very ‘normal’ and accessible. This is as they are not dressed in anything special; one is wearing the vest and the other an open-buttoned polo shirt, so therefore they appear as normal lads. Drugs are largely related to this band and especially Pete Doherty, on this album cover Pete Doherty looks as if he is passed out which could connote he may be on drugs and plays along the perception everyone would have before hand. The two band members are also very close together which could signify that the album is about their relationship or a lot to do with their lives and what they do. The letters on the album cover stating the band name and also the album name are not in a straight line and have no order which could connote rebellion and also the use of black and white. The word ‘libertine’ itself means someone who ignores accepted morals and behaviour so it is clear that the band are rebellious and want to be seen in that particular way.
The way the band is represented in this album cover adds and conforms to the stereotype of the band and their ‘meta-narrative’. This is as everyone believed they were outlaws and were largely related to drugs. This album cover denotes Pete Doherty passed out with a cigarette in his hand and both artists looking intoxicated in some way. They are also shown as normal lads which make them accessible to their fans and others as they can relate. This helps to sell the product as people believe they are investing in a real band as apposed to a completely commercialised one and also by showing the artists in the way they are people can relate to this and see a sense of normality in them which the buyer can relate to. Using Dyer’s critical framework on ‘stars’ it is evident that the band are being made out to be ordinary, through the clothes they are wearing, but there is something about them that make them seem extraordinary which appeals to people. This is as they look they have been out or are out and having a good time in some peoples eyes and shown as being able to live a normal lifestyle of going out but also live the life of a famous artist.
This album cover could be consumed very differently depending on who is consuming it. Someone who is older and has not experienced the current youth culture they may look down at the artists and say what example are they setting for youngsters etc. Whereas someone who is part of the current youth culture may think these artists are ‘cool’ and perhaps idolise and see them as role models. The target audience demographic would be between the ages of 16-24 which is an important time in which people discover things about themselves and are also caught in this youth lifestyle.
Well done - this is thorough and you use critical frameworks. Can you post up the image?
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