Tuesday 13 October 2009

Pitch Evaluation

After showing our pitch to the class we have realised that we can potentially face more challenges than we thought. However our idea was said to be good and was cleared. Our feedback told us that our idea had alot of potential but there are a few things that we have to do in preperation for storyboarding and filming. For example we needed to film pratice shots of the table tennis ball so we are then able to see if it will work as well as we had planned. Also we needed to test the quality of the slow motion shots using the school cameras as we were not sure if it would remain in good quality. However our ideas of costume and locations had very good feedback and we do not need to work on this anymore. We were given some ideas of how to shoot the table tennis effectivly. For examlpe we can film different table tennis shots in any order and them put them into an effective sequence so it looks as though a continuous match is being played, rather than trying to film a continuous match and just rely on our skill. Overall i think our pitch covered all aspects of the video and the feedback that was given will enable us to shoot the video more effectivly and effeciently giving us a better final product.

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